[Solved]     Please help me with this skyscraper project on eclipse. help...

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[Solved]     Please help me with this skyscraper project on eclipse. help...

2023-03-12 14:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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ED ll le: Revll} Distlm Hus|m Hus m Hus m Hus m x m Hus D18.2||j 18.2 D18.2|D18.2|D18.2|D 18.;| D 18.2"} 18.; u Ccnle lntel: artl: artlv Thel + 7 D X G A Not secure | A" {a (3 71's 3 CS 211 Syllabus Modules Print Logout Diep Huynh Background: Contents The purpose of this assignment is to review lectures in 2D-array, nested for loops, file input (scanner). This assignment will give you practice working With single and multi- dimensional arrays as well as basic data structures. . . Objectives The students will also be able to develop and implement program involving the H . ~ . _ l . .Y : Explanations + fundamental programming constructs such as variables, types, expressions, assignment, simple l/O, conditional and iterative control structures, functions and parameter passing, structured decomposition. EXU'E CI'ECN Guidelines Objectives: Download This assignment will assess your mastery of the following objectives: 0 Write a functionally correct program to produce specified console output. 0 Use nested for-loop to check the content in the 20 array. 0 Operate the file l/O (input/output) to read data from and write to file using Scanner class. a Follow prescribed conventions for spacing, indentation, naming methods, and header comments. Submission Rubric References Rules and Explanations: History Skyscraper is a puzzle where integer values from 1 through 4 are used to represent the height of 1 2 3 3 skyscrapers on a 4 by 4 city grid, Where a building of height 1 is the shortest. The outside of the 4 by 4 grid $ $ A» 4; contain clue values. These values also range from 1 through 4 and represent the number of buildings that 1 $ can be seen from a given row or column in the city grid. 2e Each row and column of the city grid must not contain two buildings that are the same height for a solution to be valid. More specifically, each row and column must contain buildings with heights 1 through 4. The 2 $ rules for the values in the skyscraper grid are a little like those of Sudoku, for those that have played that. The image shows below on the left is an empty city grid With clues to the left with a completed oity grid to 2 Q the right that satisfies the clues given on the left. Your task is to write a program that reads from an input file whose name is specified as a command line argument. The file Will contain data on one or more complete skyscrapers (including clues). For each skyscraper, you must determine if the skyscraper properly satisfies the clues. You do not have to worry about how to solve the puzzle. The solution of the puzzle is also provided in the green cells. The data in the file is guaranteed to be well-formed, so no error checking is required. The first line of data £33 for a skyscraper will be the top clues for the 4 columns. The second line will start with the clue for the row 11:16 AM D Search ' ' 1/20/2023 ...



Please help me with this skyscraper project on eclipse. help me make a skyscraper java class, then make sure they be able to print the first output like this 1 2 3 3 like the first part of the picture onto a file called skyscraper_1.txt. The second output will be different from the first output because the part that have 3 2 2 1 will need to be valid.  The part from 1 2 3 4 will not be valid. 

Please make sure you look at the picture carefully because they need to be correctly from the requirements and they should be compile on eclipse exactly like the output.Thank you!


Image transcription text

{D II Co;|2 Rev|® Dis(|m Hus|m Hus mHus mHus m x m Hus D18.2||j18.2D18.2|D18.;||j18.;||j18.2"}18.;||jis.;uctn|@inie|: artl: artlv The|+ 7 D X G A Not secure | A" {a (3 ff 3 CS 211 Syllabus Modules Print Logout Diep Huynh Q newline/carriage return (\n). There will be no trailing lines in the file. 'T' 'f 'T' 'T' + 3 3 1 2 Contents As an example, the input file for the above example looks like this: a 2 3 3 Background . . '5 Objectives + Extra Credit Another example that has two skyscrapers (the first one is valid but the second one) _ _ Guidelines 3 2 i 3 l 2 Download 2 2 4 Submission 1 4 3 2 3 i - Rubric 2 i 3 4 »D 4- 13 -; D 4- 1 l 2 4 References 3 l 2 2 2 4 Histoiy l 4 3 2 3 i 2 l 3 2 $ I: C 2 3 $ |:| fl 2 For each skyscraper read from the input file your program should first print that skyscraper, but with a space before the clues for the columns. There should NOT be spaces between any of the clues or skyscraper building heights. After printing the skyscraper you should print either the word VALID if the clues for that skyscraper were met or the words NOT VALID otherwise. VALID or NOT VALID (ALL CAPS REQUIRED) should occur on the line immediately following the skyscraper and should be followed by a newline/carriage return (\n). Based on the second example input file above your output should look like this: 32 2 l 3 l 32 4 l 2 2 l 4 3 2 l 42 3 l 3 2 3 4 l 2 2 |~ Z l 3 3 VALID €33 11:16 AM D Search ' ' 1/20/2023 ...

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|G. Cod ) Rev | B Disc| W Hus | W Hus | W Hus| W Hus W x W Hus| 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.2 Coul @ Intel art / art. | The | + X C Not secure | to to ... CS 211 Syllabus Modules Print Logout Diep Huynh For each skyscraper read from the input file your program should first print that skyscraper, but with a space before the clues for the columns. There should NOT be spaces between any of the clues or skyscraper building heights. Contents After printing the skyscraper you should print either the word VALID if the clues for that skyscraper were met or the words NOT VALID Background otherwise. VALID or NOT VALID (ALL CAPS REQUIRED) should occur on the line immediately following the skyscraper and should be followed by a newline/carriage return (In). Based on the second example input file above your output should look like this: Objectives 3221 + 313241 Explanations 221432 142313 Extra Credit 234122 2133 Guidelines VALID 1234 Download 313241 Submission 221432 142313 Rubric 234122 2133 References NOT VALID COMPLETED PROCESSING SKYSCRAPERS History Note: the first and last line of each skyscraper have a space in front. In the Skyscraper class, you will need to provide at least three methods as following: Method Description public static int] getSkyscrapers(Scanner) The method use the Scanner parameter passed in the method to read skyscrapers from standard input into 2D array. public static boolean validateSkyscrapers(int) The method validates the 2D array that read from standard input. public static void main(String args) The main method will run the workflow of the program. Extra Credit: N/A Extra credit is only considered if the assignment submit (and complete) on-time according to original due date on syllabus. The due date is extended will not count. 42OF 11:16 AM Search Partly sunny 1/20/2023...

Image transcription text

(13 ll Cod: Ker/ll} DistlmHuslmHus mHusmHusm ;; mHus D18.2||j18.2D18.2|D18;|D18;||j18g||j18;||j18;|uctm|@ime|: artl: artlv The|+ 7 D X G A Not secure | A" {a {:3 71's 3 CS 211 Syllabus Modules Print Logout Diep Huynh Q The program does not compile will receive grade of zero. + Place your code in a class named Skyscraper and the class . Contents 0 The class should contain a main method which should do the followmg for the Skyscraper class: a 1. Check for the name of the input file specified as a command line argument. If the file is not there print an error message telling the BECKQVOUHd program user the program must be run using the name of an input file that contains skyscraper information as a command line 6 argument. Objectives . Open the file . Read from the file as long as there is skyscraper information - for each set of skyscraper data do the following: Explanations + a. Using the method getSkyscrapers to assign the clues and skyscraper heights into at least one two-dimensional array of type int (if you would like to have one array for the clues and another for the skyscraper heights that is fine). The size of the Extra Credit 20 array should be 6x6. That means the top right, top left, bottom right, and bottom left corners should have unused values which are all zeroes . Pass the 2D array just read to a method called validateskyscrapers. The method should examine the clues and the skyscraper heights and return true if the heights are valid based on the clues, false otherWise. Download . Print the skyscraper clues and heights in the format specified above along with a message about whether the heights are valid (as specified above). The code to do this should be placed in a method printSkyscrapers which is passed whatever Submission data you feel is necessan/ to print the required information. Note: the method printSkyscrapers is optional to implement. . Close the input file. . Print a message that says ;COMPLETED PROCESSING SKYSCRAPERS; (Without the quotes) Rm" . You are welcome to write helper methods to complete the tasks above -- modular design is an important part of good software development References 0 Be sure your code follows the naming and coding conventions for the class: 1. instance fields of a class should be named starting with 'my' HlS'Ory . Parameters to methods should be named starting with 'the' . Parameters to methods should be specified as final .Javadoc comments should be used for the class as well as the methods of the class . You will lose points for each of these things on every assignment if you do not adhere to the rules. . See this document for specifics (as well as an example): https://www.oracle.com/Jave/technologiesUavase/codeconventions- introductionhtml Download: Skyscraper.java skyscraper_1.txt (small input file) skyscraper_2.txt (big input file) readme.txt (example) |~ Su bm ission: 11:16 AM D Search 1/20/2023 ...

Image transcription text

|G. Cod Rev | B Disc| W Hus | W Hus | W Hus| W Hus W x W Hus| 18.21 9 18.21 9 18.21 9 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 0 18.21 1 18.2 COL(@ Intel ()art | ) art.| @ The | + X C Not secure | to to ... CS 211 Syllabus Modules Print Logout Diep Huynh Submission: Contents Submit to Canvas a zip file named assignment01_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.zip (all lower cases) that contains the following files: Background (assignment01_hoang_varik.zip for example) Skyscraper.java documented and styled according to class standards. Objectives . A readme.txt file that contains the following information 1. Your name + Explanations 2. An estimate of the amount of time you spent completing the assignment 3. Any problems that exist in the project (if there are not any please state so) Extra Credit 4. Any questions you have for Varik about the assignment Guidelines Rubric: Download Points Categories Comments Submission Functionality Compiled Skyscraper.java with error(s) will receive a grade of zero Rubric 50 Functionality Compiled Skyscraper.java with no error References 10 Functionality The class Skyscraper had method getSkyscrapers worked correctly. History 10 Functionality The class Skyscraper had method validateSkyscrapers worked correctly. 5 Functionality The class Skyscraper had method main passed all test cases. 5 Functionality The class Skyscraper had method main read data from input file (skyscraper_1.txt or skyscraper_2.txt). 5 Miscellaneous Compressed files as expected 10 Miscellaneous Commented for each class and each method 5 Miscellaneous Used spacing, indentation, naming methods, and header comments appropriately and consistently 100 Total Note: must pass all criterias if using LGS ED References: Webpage: https://brainbashers.com/skyscrapershelp.asp 42OF 11:16 AM Search 1/20/2023 Partly sunny...





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